Friday, November 18, 2016

2016 Osage-Orange Road Trip

Joan on the hunt.

Since snow is forecast for the weekend. Joan and I decided to make our annual trek for osage-oranges.

The Mill Pond on Rt. 90 was calm no birds. There was a gentleman who appeared to be erecting a sign near the street.

Entering the village of Aurora we drove slowly up to the Morehouse residence. The area under the Osage Orange tree was densely covered.

Mrs. Claire Morehouse, the owner of the tree, was tending to her bushes by her front porch. I climbed the slight hill and approached her. Asked if Joan and I could gather some Osage Oranges. While Mrs. Morehouse showed surprised that there might be any left, she gave us permission to take as many as we wished.

Bark of the Osage Orange Tree
Nearby tree still holding its leaves.

We gathered several bags. Since we were so successful, we decided to forego going to Scipio Center and headed on home.

Took a diversion to the Factory Street pond. It was full of duck weed with only three Mallards gliding around.

Once home Michael phoned and invited us to Fellows Street to watch the SU-Monmouth game. Joan brought a Wegmans gluten-free pizza and Michael purchased wings and a sausage pizza for us.

Lily entertained Joan. Since Emily and Karla were still on the road returning from Baltimore, we came on home.

Former adventures:         November 19, 2009

                                         November 14, 2010

                                         November 13, 2011

                                        November 21, 2013

                                       November 16, 2014

                                       November 15, 2015

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