Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Birding - Cayuga College Nature Trail

2nd Pond

Decided to check out the Cayuga College Nature Trail for any bird migration activity. Arrived in the gazebo parking lot around 3:30 PM. Proceeded past the Nature Center and entered the trail at the southeast corner.

Was greeted by the black oak tree project. Appears to have wintered well.
 Crossing the bridge noted pussy willow growth.
Continued west through the open area with the pine tree.
Turning south into where there is usually a lot of robin activity. Today there was none. Cut through the pines, crossed the bridge, and observed the tulip tree off to my right.
Came out onto the 1st pond. Crossed over to the red bench and the trail.
Approached the 2nd pond and crossed the bridge.
Took some photos of the attempt to clear-cut an area for reforestation.
Got back on the trail. It was still snow-covered in parts. The remains of what was a bench stands near the trail to the Baumes Florist greeenhouses. 
Turning east checked on the geocache and discovered a Pilated woodpecker's work.
Came upon the trail sign. Decided to stay on the running trail and forgo the nature trail.
Nature Trail
Running Trail
Came into Jan's bird feeding area.  Here were the only birds of the day. A robin, a black-capped chickadee, a white-breasted nuthatch, and a golden-crowned kinglet. (All were too quick to photo.)
Ended the trek by photographing the Wolf Tree.

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